How I Crafted A 6-Figure Digital Course Launch Campaign [EP 55]

I'm Liz!

I value empowering entrepreneurs to live their life full of joy and purpose. I LOVE - helping women worldwide dial-in their marketing funnels and see mind-blowing results.

hey there

Transform your mind. Transform your business. 

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Learn what works, and what doesn't so you can scale faster.

How can creating online courses benefit your online business? For one, it is an asset you can receive unlimited earnings from, 24/7. In this episode, I’ll discuss some practical tips to apply when launching your digital course and the ways to effectively generate leads. The key is not to be too pushy and to offer value first before anything else. Don’t forget to check out the helpful links and tools mentioned in the episode!

[00:01 – 03:40] The Multiplying Benefits of Digital Courses for Your Business

  • How selling a digital course can be key to scaling your online business
    • It is an asset you can sell over and over again
    • Access to new audiences with varying price points
    • Adding another stream of income to the business
    • 24/7, 365 days a year in sales

[03:41 – 15:25] Tips and Tricks for Better Leads Generation

  • Step #1: Do not sell your offer upfront
    • The key is to give free valuable offers first before selling
    • Make use of social media to deliver content
  • Step #2: Create a list of highly qualified leads
  • Step #3: Implement effective promotion
    • Leverage using three types of free traffic – earned, shared, and owned
    • Emails do not have to be pushy; keep them entertaining and informative

[15:26 – 22:35] Underused but Effective Strategies to Employ

  • Strategy #1: Personal outreach
    • This is specific to live launches more than evergreen funnels
    • Be aware of the level of interest and add a personal touch
  • Strategy #2: Utilizing earned traffic
    • Connect with someone else’s community
    • Take advantage of being a podcast guest
  • Strategy #3: Marketing via shared traffic
    • Partner up with someone you trust to share your offer
    • Earning a commission is a common benefit in the partnership

[22:36 – 27:31] Wrapping Up! 

  • Optimiize your marketing!
  • A summary of this episode
  • Final words 

Contrary to what you might believe, you don’t have to wait years for the perfect evergreen transition. To start making six figures from your digital course, you don’t have to spend hours and hours desperately trying to get people to sign up either. You can use streamlined and efficient strategies that won’t have you staring at your laptop all night long, or feeling overwhelmed or wondering if anyone will buy from you.

Liz Boer

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Hi, I'm Liz.
Your New BFF + Marketing Coach.

I’m a marketing strategist, coach, and the ads manager behind multiple million-dollar launches. My goal is to empower entrepreneurs to create THRIVING online businesses. Stick with me, I'll teach you the marketing strategies that move the needle in building your online business, influence, and your brand. Along with sharing my best-kept secrets from being in the trenches behind million-dollar marketing campaigns. 

Whether you're ready to hire this #dreamteam, coming for an online workshop, or joining my course, or bingeing all the strategies via this blog or my podcast, I'm PUMPED you're here. I can't wait to watch you make magic happen! 

I’m a marketing strategist, coach, and the ads manager behind multiple million-dollar launches. My goal is to empower entrepreneurs to create THRIVING online businesses. Stick with me, I'll teach you the marketing strategies that move the needle in building your online business, influence, and your brand. Along with sharing my best-kept secrets from being in the trenches behind million-dollar marketing campaigns. 

Whether you're ready to hire this #dreamteam, coming for an online workshop, or joining my course, or bingeing all the strategies via this blog or my podcast, I'm PUMPED you're here. I can't wait to watch you make magic happen!