“At the end of the day, I really believe people buy from people and they buy from people they like. That’s one of many reasons why podcasting is so powerful for business owners.” – Melissa Guller
Welcome to the Marketing To Millions Podcast, I’m your host, Liz Boer! I welcome Melissa Guller, the CEO of Wit and Wire, to talk all about how coaches and online educators can turn podcast listeners into paying students in their courses and programs.
Melissa Guller is a course creator, podcast producer, and CEO of Wit & Wire, where she helps online business owners build their authority and reach a wider audience through podcasting.
She’s produced multiple Top 50 podcasts, hosted over 100 podcast episodes, and her podcast Everything is Teachable topped the charts as the #2 Career Podcast in America.
Selling on a platform like a podcast can sometimes feel uncomfortable and overwhelming. During solo episodes, it is just you and the mic. (No shame feeling the fear) But whether you sell on social media, in your IG stories, or some other way, it is vital to the growth and longevity of your business to promote your value-packed offer somehow, right?
That’s why I can’t wait to introduce you to Melissa, who has successfully sold out her online courses by authentically leveraging her podcast audience.
Melissa is a course creator and podcast producer who helps online business owners build their authority and reach a wider audience through podcasting.
By the end of this episode, you’ll learn…
- The benefits of starting a podcast
- What strategies Melissa uses to warm up an audience when preparing for her course launch
- The easiest way to integrate your product offering into your podcast without over pitching
- Melissa’s secret formula for call-to-actions and maximizing engagement
[00:01 – 02:39] Getting to Know Melissa
- Wit and Wire
- Helping online business owners launch podcasts to become more visible, become known as authorities in their field, and build their businesses
- Melissa’s experience in the online course space
[02:40 – 10:00] Podcasting Can Be Hard, But Here’s Why You Should Start One Anyway
- What holds people back from starting a podcast?
- Fear of competition
- The sound of their own voice
- It takes more work compared to other forms of content
- It takes a while to get into the groove when you’re just starting
- The benefits of starting a podcast
- Longer form media helps you articulate information in a fresh way that can give more value
- You can build deeper relationships with your listeners and let your personality come across
- The ability to capture more and longer listener attention
- You don’t come across salesy
- Your listener can get a clearer picture of if your course is right for them
- People buy from people
“It’s not the topic that’s going to set you apart. The thing that’s really gonna set you apart is your personality, your experience, and the way that you came into knowing about your topic.” -Melissa Guller
[10:01 – 13:39] Strategies to Warm up an Audience When Preparing for a Launch
- How you can get more listeners for your podcast
- Including it in your business marketing
- Sharing knowledge
- Have a free event, webinar, or challenge week
- Have a promo week for your course
- Create a series of episodes that will lead into your big promotion
- Make this content evergreen so you can repurpose it
[13:40 – 26:29] Tips on How to Beat Podcaster’s Block
- How to create engaging episodes and topics to utilize the strategies above
- What are listeners asking you?
- How would a marketer approach this situation?
- How would a reporter look to see what’s trending right now to mix in a little bit of topical content?
- Integrating your products into your episodes
- Your listeners are coming to you for expertise in your field, don’t be afraid to tell them what your business does
- Treat ad-spots on your show as though you are the business sponsoring the podcast
- Free or paid opt-ins
“At the end of the day, I really believe people buy from people and they buy from people they like. That’s one of many reasons why podcasting is so powerful for business owners.” -Melissa Guller
[26:30 – 40:41] Maximizing Ad Spots, Call to Actions, and Opt-Ins
- Lead magnet strategies
- Utilizing dynamic content
- Strategies for Call to Actions
- Focus on only one CTA per episode
- Crafting your CTA around the specific problem you’re solving and the person the offer is specifically for
- What should your CTA drive people to?
- There is no one size fits all answer
- A discovery call about your services
- Talk about who your perfect client is and offer a no-commitment discovery call to see if it’s a mutual fit
- Use this to also measure what specific episodes sent this client to you
[40:42 – 46:23] Closing Segment
- Connect with Melissa (Links Below)
- Visit Melissa’s website to check out her free masterclass called How to Launch a Podcast in 60 Days Without Feeling Overwhelmed
- Wrapping up!

Links and Resources Mentioned In This Episode
Connect with Melissa
Visit her website at https://witandwire.com and connect and follow her onInstagram and Pinterset
Other Episodes Related To This Topic You’ll Enjoy:
- 10 Steps to Creating an Irresistible Online Course
- 7 Low-Cost Tools To Create + Promote Your Online Course
- Profit-First Strategies + Basics to Tax Planning with Dr. Ranelli
Let’s get connected:
You can find me on Instagram and Facebook. Visit my website https://lizboer.com
Join the Marketing to Millions FB Group
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