Do you ever think about how your past experiences affect your ability to run a business?
I do, and I credit a lot of my success to my high performance habits, which I learned as a kid growing up in a competitive dance studio.
The competitive dance world is not easy on anyone, but especially not the delicate ego of a young girl. However, while I would never say it was without hardships and challenges, I am so grateful to have had those experiences.
I’ve always believed that women make great entrepreneurs, and I’m starting to see how my dance background helped shape and mold me into the business owner I am today.
Here’s just a few of the ways I believe dancing helped to mold me into a better entrepreneur:
Having Consistent Daily Habits
Most days of my pre-teen and teenage years looked the same: ⏰ I got up, 📚 went to school, 💃🏼 went to dance into the wee hours of the night, went home to study and finish homework, 😴 rinse and repeat 5x/day.
Most of my weekends were spent at a dance competition, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.
This routine may seem boring to some, but I always thrived on it — and still do to this day!
My routine looks a little different these days (a whole lot more coffee drinking and typing away at my computer!), but the foundation is the same: having consistent daily habits allows me to excel at everything I do.
Do you have consistent daily habits in place? If not, I highly recommend giving them a chance.
Being Ok With Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again
I occasionally hear people get frustrated about the monotony of entrepreneurship, and I am genuinely surprised.
The ability to do the same thing over and over again until you can excel at it enough so that you can do it in your sleep, backward, is one of the key pillars to becoming a high performer.
I’m so grateful that my dance background taught me this from day one. In fact, I had never really even thought about it until I heard someone share a different viewpoint.
Being able to perform at a peak level is necessary for every entrepreneur, and if you ask me, the ability to focus and excel on one goal at a time is simply what it takes to be a good entrepreneur and top performer in your niche.
💫 Launching the same program refining and making it better each time, honing your craft until you’re an expert, being known for that ONE major solution people need in your industry. This is how you become a thought leader.
Having the Mindset of Stepping Out On Stage and Not Worrying About Who Is Watching From The Wings.
One of the best things that dance taught me is the mindset of focusing only on my own performance, and not worrying about who was watching from the wings.
Fear is such a strong barrier for people, and I see that every day in my client work.
Are your fear gremlins holding you back from showing up on camera, launching a brand new product, or re-launching that course that ‘flopped’ the first time around?
I love working with women entrepreneurs to fight back against those pesky fears, and become the leader I know they are capable of being. ⚡️